| onedc
SM Developer/Designer |
There are two ways on how to share your photos on sharemode.
1st. Uploading the file from your device.
- To upload photos from your device simply choose a gallery where you want to upload your photos.
Galleries (Photos of people, Man Made Photos, Nature Photos, Animals Photos)
- After you've choosen the gallery you have two options to share your photos.
**Start a new album
** or upload your photos in a ready made albums created by other users. (If you think the photo you are going to share is related to the ready made album)
-- After that.. Click
Upload Photos Add your Message and choose attachments (up to three attachments per post) but recommended is 1 attachment per post.
2nd. Getting an images from other websites.
- To share images from other sites simply get the exact URL Address of the image from other websites.
(The extension of image file are. .png .jpg and .gif)
- Then use BBCode to display the photo
[img]enter the url address of image here
Sample of the above code:
Enter that code as a Message in
Upload Photos link and it will automatically converted to photo if you have enter the right syntax of image bbcode.