* SM Developer/Designer

The old-fashioned phonebox in the village of Tyneham. Photograph: Alamy

Tyneham, Dorset, UK

Dubbed “the village that died for England”,
Tyneham was a small fishing community on
the Dorset coast until 1943, when the area was
requisitioned by the government in
preparation for the D-day landings. Unlike
many other requisitioned villages, Tyneham’s
residents were not allowed to return after the
war and the area is now part of the Ministry
of Defence’s Lulworth range. As long as you
don’t visit during a military training exercise
(seriously, stick to the footpaths), you can take
a look at the village, which now consists of the
remains of the residents’ cottages, a 1929 K1
telephone kiosk, the church and the school –
where the displays are still intact. But, as the
website will inform you: “The village was last
inhabited in 1943 so there is no cafe or shop.”
December 18, 2014 12:40 pm December 18, 2014 [12:40pm]
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